Training Data Solutions
for Vision Applications

Empowering Integrators, Manufacturers and AI Product Innovators with cutting-edge Computer Vision, Data Science and Synthetic Data Solutions.
Graphic of a production line in a manufacturing environment, displaying produced parts on a conveyor belt being sorted into OK and Not OK bins in an automated visual quality assurance process.

Building High-Quality Models In 3 Steps

Explore our services: Efficiently leveraging data analysis, data generation, and integration tools for superior model performance.

Data Insight

Review and analysis of existing data to provide key insights and recommendations for optimizing your dataset.

Data Generation

Generation of synthetic data and data augmentation to create an optimal dataset based on key insights from the analysis.

Data Import

Tools for importing data into industry-standard deep learning software.

We Can Assist You With

Discover how our expertise can help you overcome common hurdles and achieve success.

Model Accuracy

Experiencing issues with underperforming models, lack of robustness, and low accuracy? Do you want to understand the root cause and find effective solutions?


Data Cold Start
- Missing the right Images

Experiencing issues due to missing defect images? Need to transfer defect characteristics from component A to component B, or manage the transfer of component images across different stations or production lines due to location or setup changes?

R&D Projects

Facing uncertainties in your Research & Development projects? We offer agile and innovative solutions with comprehensive support from initial concept analysis to the development of proof-of-concept datasets, tailored to your specific needs.

Why choose us?

Data Driven Approach

Focus on enhancing the data quality for better AI outcomes.

Synthetic Data Expertise

Generating data to cover edge cases and rare anomalies.

Industry Integration

Seamless integration with industry-standard tools like Cognex ViDi and VisionPro.
Credit card mockups
Metal Shaft with defect.
Real vs Synthetic Images

What are synthetic images?

Synthetic images are pictures generated using computer graphics, simulation methods and artificial intelligence (AI), to represent reality with high fidelity.
Synthetic images provide the opportunity to produce vast amounts of varied, high-quality vision data that are optimal for specific situations and edge cases that are challenging to gather in the real-world environment.

Deep Learning based Computer Vision Tasks
we Solve

Efficiently leveraging data analysis, data generation, and integration tools for superior model performance.

What our Clients say

Discover how our solutions have transformed the businesses of our valued clients.
The team thoroughly examined the quality of our data and uncovered valuable trends and patterns. The comprehensive analysis gave us clear recommendations on how we could significantly improve the accuracy of our model to be trained. We were particularly impressed by the level of detail and the practical advice that could be implemented immediately.
Dennis Nündel,
Project Manager Plant Engineering @ Westfalen AG
Using Synthetic Images’s offering has clearly proven valuable in completing projects efficiently - both, in reducing the acquisition process and increasing performance.
Jonas Schaub,
Managing Director @ elunic AG
The customer and my team can save up to 70% of the time and effort spent in capturing and preparing training data, over the entire lifecycle of a system.
Georg Bacher,
General Manager @ i-mation GmbH
SI’s approach to creating image training datasets is structured and systematic. It simplifies dataset curation.
Per Schreiber,
Project Coordinator @ L3S

Innovation starts Today!

Unlock the potential of deep learning using high quality, balanced, exhaustive data for training.
Let us paint you an image you won’t forget!
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