Why Use Synthetic Image Data?
Ensuring Precision and Efficiency in Machine Vision

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Data Generation
Using synthetic image data offers numerous advantages that are crucial for developing robust and reliable machine vision systems.

Metal Shaft with defect.
Real vs Synthetic Images

Here's why:

By leveraging synthetic image data, you can enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and scalability of your machine vision projects, ensuring that your AI models are well-equipped to handle a wide range of scenarios and challenges.

Reduce Time and Effort

Capturing and annotating real-world data can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Synthetic image data accelerates this process by providing high-quality, ready-to-use datasets that can be generated quickly and efficiently. This allows you to focus on model development and deployment without lengthy delays.

Reduce Costs

The cost of capturing, annotating, and maintaining real-world data can be significant. Synthetic data offers a cost-effective alternative by eliminating the need for expensive equipment, manual labour, and extensive testing setups. This financial efficiency allows for the creation of large and diverse datasets without excessive expenditure.

Maintain Variation and Balance

Making use of the vast possibilities offered by Computer Generated Imagery (CGI), and generative AI, we generate synthetic images that comprehensively represent 2D and 3D scenes. Our process, based on ‘Structured Domain Randomization’ and rendering, ensures that each variable, feature, and detail in a scene is represented with a specified multitude of values within relevant domain parameters.

Scalability and Flexibility

Synthetic data generation is highly scalable, allowing you to produce large volumes of data as needed. It also offers flexibility in simulating various conditions, such as different lighting, angles, and object states, which are essential for developing models that perform well in real-world applications.

Synthetic image data is annotated

Inconsistent labels and a resource intensive annotation process are a thing of the past. With our method of generating synthetic images, you can completely skip the manual annotation process. We deliver images with pixel precise labels, based on your computer vision task.
Real image with overlay of 3D bounding boxes of a bin on a conveyor belt with metal parts in itSemantic Segmentation of a bin on a conveyor belt with metal parts in itInstance Segmentation of a bin on a conveyor belt with metal parts in itDepth Channel of a bin on a conveyor belt with metal parts in itNormal Channel of a bin on a conveyor belt with metal parts in it

Additional Resources

Explore Key Concepts and Benefits of Synthetic Data and corresponding Annotations.


What is Synthetic Data?

Learn about the fundamentals of synthetic data, its generation process, and its applications in various industries.


How Real is Synthetic Data?

Explore the realism and accuracy of synthetic data compared to real-world data, and how it can be tailored to match specific use cases.



Explore the critical role of high-quality annotations in dataset preparation. Our synthetic image data comes fully annotated, as our generation process precisely tracks and identifies every element within each image, ensuring consistent and accurate labelling.


3D Rendering

Our 3D rendering process leverages advanced computer graphics techniques to create highly realistic and detailed synthetic images. This approach allows us to simulate a wide range of scenarios and environments.


Generative Approaches

Our generative data creation techniques use advanced AI models to enhance realism and add details to the 3D rendered synthetic image.
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