What is Generative AI and Style Transfer?

Generative AI involves using machine learning models to create new data that mimics the properties of real-world data. Style transfer is a specific application of generative AI where the characteristics of one image (such as camera and scenery attributes) are applied to another image, enhancing its realism.
Substrate with additive manufactured welding seam.Substrate with additive manufactured welding seam.Substrate with additive manufactured welding seam.Substrate with additive manufactured welding seam.
Example showing details and realism added with generative AI, to represent welding seams in an additive manufacturing process.

The Importance of Style Transfer in Synthetic Image Data

When generating synthetic image data, incorporating the specific visual characteristics of real images, such as sensor noise patterns, contrast, and environmental features (e.g., dirt, blur), is crucial for creating realistic datasets. Without these details, synthetic images can appear artificial and may not be effective for training machine vision models.

How We Use Generative AI for Style Transfer

Our approach combines structured domain randomization and 3D rendering with generative AI techniques to apply pixel-level details from real images to synthetic ones. This process involves:
  • Analysing Real Data
    Identifying and extracting key visual features from real images, such as camera sensor characteristics and environmental details.
  • Applying Features to Synthetic Data
    Using generative AI models to transfer these features onto synthetic images, enhancing their realism and making them more representative of real-world conditions.

Benefits of Generative AI for Style Transfer

  • Enhanced Realism
    Adds crucial details that make synthetic images indistinguishable from real ones, improving the effectiveness of training datasets.
  • Consistency
    Ensures that the added details are applied uniformly across the dataset, maintaining high quality and accuracy.
  • Efficiency
    Reduces the need for extensive manual adjustments, streamlining the data generation process.

Additional Resources

Explore Key Concepts and Benefits of Synthetic Data and corresponding Annotations.


Why Use Synthetic Data?

Understand the benefits of synthetic data, including enhanced model training, cost efficiency, and the ability to generate rare or hard-to-capture scenarios.


How Real is Synthetic Data?

Explore the realism and accuracy of synthetic data compared to real-world data, and how it can be tailored to match specific use cases.



Explore the critical role of high-quality annotations in dataset preparation. Our synthetic image data comes fully annotated, as our generation process precisely tracks and identifies every element within each image, ensuring consistent and accurate labelling.


3D Rendering

Our 3D rendering process leverages advanced computer graphics techniques to create highly realistic and detailed synthetic images. This approach allows us to simulate a wide range of scenarios and environments.


Generative Approaches

Our generative data creation techniques use advanced AI models to enhance realism and add details to the 3D rendered synthetic image.
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