How ‘real’ are our synthetic images compared to captured images?

Logo for the Dataset building, Dataset Generation Service by the company synthetic images.
Data Generation
Synthetic image data has come a long way in recent years, and at Synthetic Images, we pride ourselves on being a leader in this cutting-edge technology. Our team of experts uses advanced algorithms and generative AI to generate images that are virtually indistinguishable from captured images.
On this page, we’ve assembled a collection of captured vs. synthetic image comparisons that showcase the incredible level of visual realism that we’re able to achieve. Whether it’s the fine details of a surface texture or the play of light and shadow across a scene, you’ll see first-hand just how closely our synthetic images can match the look and feel of the real world.
To increase the realism on a pixel level, we use AI to transfer relevant details like camera characteristics of your images to the synthetic ones.

Application: Automated visual inspection

Use case: Surface defect detection on metal components.
Metal Shaft with defect.
Real vs Synthetic Images

Vision guided robotic handling

Use case: Part kitting at an assembly station.
Objects in a Bin.
Real vs Synthetic Images

Application: Automated visual inspection

Use case: Damage detection on pre-cast concrete blocks / bridges.
Concrete with Defects
Real vs Synthetic Images

Additional Resources

Explore Key Concepts and Benefits of Synthetic Data and corresponding Annotations.


What is Synthetic Data?

Learn about the fundamentals of synthetic data, its generation process, and its applications in various industries.


Why Use Synthetic Data?

Understand the benefits of synthetic data, including enhanced model training, cost efficiency, and the ability to generate rare or hard-to-capture scenarios.



Explore the critical role of high-quality annotations in dataset preparation. Our synthetic image data comes fully annotated, as our generation process precisely tracks and identifies every element within each image, ensuring consistent and accurate labelling.


3D Rendering

Our 3D rendering process leverages advanced computer graphics techniques to create highly realistic and detailed synthetic images. This approach allows us to simulate a wide range of scenarios and environments.


Generative Approaches

Our generative data creation techniques use advanced AI models to enhance realism and add details to the 3D rendered synthetic image.
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